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RAW IS WAR - Week 2, March 2001

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

Last week on SmackDown! - Tag team violence escalated between The Dudley Boyz, The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian. Also, in his first night as WWF Commissioner, Al Snow made a match between William Regal and Stone Cold Steve Austin - with the condition that if either man was disqualified, they would be punished tonight on Raw. The Rock interfered and chose to strike Regal instead of Austin - costing Austin the match! What punishment will Austin face tonight on Raw?


Jim Ross: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Raw!

Paul Heyman: We are on the road to WrestleMania and it is a dangerous road indeed!

JR: We've got tag team action tonight as Edge & Christian take on Right to Censor. Also, Raven will defend the WWF Hardcore Championship against 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman!

Heyman: And our first match of the night will be a clash of the titans as Kane takes on The Big Show!

Al Snow heads out to the ring, microphone in hand.

JR: Well, it looks like we're going to hear from our new WWF Commissioner before that match takes place.

Heyman: Al Snow, this man... this man has some nerve. How can anyone pick this lunatic to be WWF Commissioner over a gentleman the calibre of William Regal?

Snow stands in the ring, ready to address the audience.

Snow: Last Thursday on SmackDown, I tried to get things under control between William Regal and Stone Cold Steve Austin. I set a stipulation that - if the match ended in a disqualification - whoever got disqualified would face punishment tonight on Raw. Well, unfortunately -

Before he can continue, Steve Austin marches down to the ring. The crowd cheer for The Rattlesnake as he enters the ring and grabs a microphone for himself.

Austin: Listen Al, before you get started here tonight - you know for a fact that I did not want The Rock to interfere on my behalf. You know full well that he interfered specifically to get me 'punished' tonight. It's B.S.!

Snow: I know Steve... but rules are rules and I am a man of my word. It is my duty as the WWF Commissioner to act accordingly.

Austin: Don't forget who helped ya get yer new job. Don't forget that ol' Stone Cold put you where you are.

Snow: I know Steve... and taking everything into account, I've come to a decision on how you will be punished. I hereby suspend you from in-ring action for the rest of the night.

Austin smiles, nodding in approval.

William Regal hits the stage and goes to town on Snow!

Regal: What the bloody hell do you mean, suspended for one night? What kind of punishment is that?! I was hit with a Rock Bottom - and Stone Cold gets a bloody night off! You two ingrates are in cahoots - this is collusion, plain and simple!

Snow: Well Regal... do you really think The Rock came out there on Thursday night to help Austin? I don't think there's a person in this arena who thinks that... so, from what I can see - you have a legitimate issue with The Rock. So, I'm making it official - tonight, in the main event, you will take on The Rock and his WWF Championship will be on the line!

Regal is shocked! He stands in stunned silence, mentally weighing up Snow's decision. Snow's music hits as Regal pensively makes his way to the back.


SINGLE - Kane vs. Big Show

After a short recap of last night's Heat, The Big Show heads towards the ring...

...followed by 'The Big Red Machine'.

The bell rings and the two giants square up to each other, daring each other to make the first move.

Show shoves Kane backwards with an almighty push, but Kane rebounds off of the ropes with a big boot! The two slug it out, trading haymaker shots.

Show catches Kane's fist and pushes down, bringing Kane to one knee. Kane pushes up in a freakish display of strength and sends Big Show all the way over the ropes!

On the outside, Show recovers and grabs Kane, whipping him into the steel stairs.

Show picks Kane up and lifts him clear above his head, dropping him down across the barricade. Show rolls Kane back into the ring and the two collide again, momentarily trading holds and lock-ups.

Suddenly, both men lock a choke on each other - trying for the chokeslam!

Kane lets go and hits a quick jab, breaking Show's grip and picking him up for a sidewalk slam!

Show gets up, turns - chokeslam! Kane covers the giant - 1, 2, 3!

Kane celebrates in the ring as all four corners of the ring explode with hellish pyro.

WINNER - Kane via pinfall


Backstage, The Undertaker watches his brother's victory on a television.

He smiles to himself before noticing someone walking by. He calls out to Raven, who is carrying both the Hardcore and European Championships over his shoulders.

Taker: Hey Raven... I wanna talk to you.

Raven: I'm busy Deadman... and I don't need someone rustling my feathers right now. Make it quick, because I have a match tonight and I want to prepare.

Taker: Is that right? Well, I'm not here to rustle your feathers... I'm here to give you a warning. See, this is my yard. If I want something, I'll take it. When you hear them talk about the 'Decade of Destruction'... you know what that means, right? It means that I have cut a path through the WWF for ten years - and I'm still here. No one has kept me down, no one has put an end to The Undertaker.

Raven: And why should I care about any of that?

Taker: Because Raven... on Thursday night, you said that you made yourself famous. Let's get something straight. There's only one man around here that makes people famous and you're talking to him. You think you're famous? I've done more in one company than you've done in three.

Raven: Well Taker, if that's how you really feel... let's see if you really can make me famous.

Raven walks off with a smug smile on his face, leaving Taker in the back.


SINGLE - X-Pac (w/ Justin Credible) vs. Perry Saturn (w/ Dean Malenko & Eddie Guerrero)

X-Pac & Credible head out first, followed by The Radicalz.

The match kicks off and Saturn dominates X-Pac. Pac hits a martial arts kick to Saturn, rocking him and allowing Pac to hit a top-rope flying kick.

Saturn is floored but powers out of a pin attempt with might.

Saturn takes control and suplexes Pac out of his boots.

He locks in the Rings of Saturn with Pac right in the middle of the ring.

All of a sudden - Albert hits the ring!

He slides in and levels Saturn with a punch to the back of his head. All parties enter the ring and trade blows as the referee calls for the bell!

Pac, Credible & Albert back off and head up the ramp, leaving The Radicalz down but not out.

JR: What is Albert doing here? Is he forming an alliance with X-Pac and Justin Credible?

Heyman: What a trio that would be! The athleticism of X-Pac, the extreme mentality of Justin Credible and the insane strength and power of Albert! That is surely a terrifying thought for every superstar in the locker room!

WINNER - Perry Saturn via disqualification


Backstage, Al Snow sits in his makeshift Commissioner's office, much like former Commissioner Mick Foley. The Rock comes over and asks why he isn't sitting behind a real desk, to which Snow says it just isn't his style.

Snow: Actually, I'm glad you stopped by Rock... now, I know that tensions could not be higher between you and Stone Cold Steve Austin. But I have the responsibility of making sure that nothing is going to affect your match at WrestleMania. You and Austin for the WWF Championship - that's shaping up to be the biggest main event in WWF history - and I cannot allow that match to be jeopardised. So, I'm asking you Rock... stop messing with Austin - save it 'til WrestleMania.

Rock: Al Snow - The Rock says this: The Rock respects you a hell of a lot more than William Regal, but The Rock will be damned if he's gonna let some sick freak whose best friend is a mannequin head tell him what he can and cannot do. I know how important this match is to the WWF - but I also know how important it is to the people. The Rock is 'The People's Champion' and The Rock will not stop pushing Steve Austin. Why? Because I want the best of Steve Austin. I want to light a fire under that redneck son of a bitch's ass so hot that he brings his A game at WrestleMania. And that... is the bottom line... because The Rock said so.

The Rock walks off, leaving Snow taken aback by his confidence.


SINGLE (Hardcore) - Raven (c) vs. Steve Blackman

WWF Hardcore Championship

Steve Blackman makes his way to the ring with an Escrima stick...

...followed by Raven who brings his shopping cart full of weapons to the ringside area.

Blackman takes Raven down with fearsome stick shots, but Raven kicks Blackman in the face to back him off.

Raven swings a cookie sheet at Blackman's head, cracking him square on the top of his skull. The two brawl on the outside and make their way to the back!

The camera crew stay with the action, following the competitors to the backstage area.

Blackman throws Raven into a chain link fence before going for a cover - kick out at 1!

Raven gets up as Grandmaster Sexay runs in, knocking down Blackman!

Raven runs, brawling with Crash Holly, Billy Gunn and Test along the way.

The fight between Test and Raven leads back to the ring, where Raven hits a Raven Effect in the ring on the cookie sheet for the 3 count!

Raven has his hand raised by the referee in the ring - but The Undertaker appears behind him! Taker reaches back, his hand ready to strike.

Raven turns around - chokeslam! Taker drops down for a quick cover - 1, 2, 3! The Undertaker hits Raven with a sneak attack to become the new WWF Hardcore Champion!

Taker heads back up the ramp with the Hardcore Championship raised high as Raven screams in anger in the middle of the ring!

JR: By God, what a turn of events! The Undertaker - a decade of destruction - now the Hardcore Champion!

Heyman: And Raven looks pissed! One title down, that's got to hurt his pride and ego! The Deadman just made him famous!

WINNER - The Undertaker via pinfall


Jonathan Coachman is joined in the interview area by The Dudley Boyz:

Coachman: Dudley Boyz - the rivalry between yourselves, Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz is getting way out of hand. Are you concerned that your WWF Tag Team Championships are in jeopardy?

Bubba: Coach... how stupid do you think we are? Do you think we don't know that Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz have their eyes on the prize? We might not be the sharpest tools in the shed, but we're smart enough to know that these titles are what all of this is about. Ever since we first showed up in the WWF, we've been putting the tag team division on notice. We've changed the game. Now, we hold the gold and we're not letting go.

D-Von: Oh, my brother! That's right! Hardy Boyz? Edge & Christian?! Either step up or step off - if you ain't here to fight, then you need to stay in your lane. We are the baddest team in the WWF and we ain't gonna be run over by nobody. You want a shot at these titles? We're issuing a challenge.

Bubba: Three teams, two titles, one match... at WrestleMania!


TAG - Edge & Christian vs. Right to Censor

Steven Richards & Val Venis head out to a wall of boos. With a microphone in his hand, Richards rants for a moment:

Richards: The Right to Censor is not going anywhere! As long as Val and I are here in the WWF, we will not stop in our quest to clean up this house of sin. We will do whatever it takes to lay down the law and bring morality back to sports entertainment!

Edge & Christian head out onto the stage, microphones in hand:

Edge: Whoa, Christian... listen to these reekazoids! Sounds like they're seriously allergic to fun!

Christian: Yeah, the only thing they need to clean up is themselves - I can smell Val Venis from all the way over here!

Edge: Yeah, you smell gnarly, dude! Say, it's been a while since you came out here with a towel - was that also the last time you had a shower?

Venis rages in the ring as Edge & Christian throw down their microphones and charge down the aisle!

Both teams trade blows as the referee tries to break up the scuffle.

The ref manages to push them apart and demands that each team sends a partner to the apron - leaving Christian and Steven Richards in the ring as the legal men.

Christian and Richards go back and forth, with Richards hitting a powerful fireman's carry knee strike. Christian is winded, but recovers and manages to hit a step-up enzuigiri to knock Richards down.

Christian tags Edge, who charges at Richards and hits a running clothesline. Richards manages to counter an Irish whip attempt and bulldog Edge on the rebound. He tags in Venis who quickly gets to work on Edge.

After an incredible stalling suplex on Edge, Venis goes for a cover but gets a 2 count.

Venis climbs up to the top rope to hit the Money Shot, but Edge rolls out of the way and Venis crashes to the canvas!

Winded, Venis staggers up to his feet - Edge hits the corner and braces - Spear! Edge cuts Venis in half with a critical Spear!

Edge goes for the cover while Christian keeps Richards at bay. 1, 2, 3! Edge & Christian stand victorious in the ring while Right to Censor flee, with Venis still buckled over clutching his abdomen. A strong showing by the championship contenders!

WINNERS - Edge & Christian via pinfall


Vince McMahon approaches Al Snow at his makeshift 'office', visibly furious. He berates Snow for his unprofessional conduct and appearance, saying that the reputation of the WWF is being brought down by Snow as Commissioner:

Vince: ...I mean, you're just... you're just like Mick Foley! You're a 'hardcore' guy - you're so wrapped up in being 'different' - that you fail to see how disgusting you look to... normal people. I mean... you're carrying around this 'Head' - you treat it like it's a person. What the hell is wrong with you?

Snow: I'm bringing down the reputation of the WWF? Me? Well Vince... I may be friends with a head, but at least I didn't cheat on my wife, put her in a sanitarium, then humiliate my mistress on live television.

Vince almost blows his top - but stops short of losing his temper completely. He angrily storms off, leaving Snow with a smile on his face.


Triple H & Stephanie McMahon sit in the green room, watching the show. Stephanie comments on how rude Al Snow was to her father just now.

There is a knock at the door - Hunter asks who's there - a voice answers 'catering'.

Hunter answers the door and - crack! - Jericho flattens Triple H with a cookie sheet!

Jericho mounts Hunter and rains down fists on the head of 'The Game'! Stephanie tries to pull Jericho off of her husband, but he snaps and drops her on the ground - putting her into The Walls of Jericho!

He stretches her for a moment before letting go and fleeing the scene.

Hunter gets up, checks on Stephanie and calls for assistance - this just got personal!


SINGLE - The Rock (c) vs. William Regal

WWF Championship

Regal heads to the ring, followed by The Rock.

The crowd go crazy for 'The People's Champion'!

The bell rings and Regal locks up with The Rock, kicking off a very technical series of manoeuvres.

The Rock is somewhat out of sync here, with Regal locking on armbars and leg-locks and showing his technical prowess.

The Rock powers out and drops Regal to his knees with a knee to the gut.

Rock snaps on a sleeper hold and tries to put Regal out, but Regal manages to power Rock into a shoulder toss, allowing him to snap on his own sleeper. Rock reaches for the ropes and grabs hold, forcing a rope break. Regal backs off at 4, with the referee holding him back.

Regal moves the referee out of the way but The Rock is ready - striking Regal with a series of punches straight to the head! Rock pulls back once more - spits in his hand and cracks Regal with a final power punch!

Regal is staggered and The Rock hits a big spinebuster! Rock stands above Regal, getting him into position for The People's Elbow! Rock begins to run, but all of a sudden - Stone Cold appears on the Titan Tron!

The Rattlesnake is sitting in a locker room - The Rock's locker room - drinking a beer. The Rock walks to the ropes, staring up at the Tron and cursing at Austin.

Regal gets to his feet, hits the ropes - but he is caught in a Rock Bottom! Regal is down - but Rock doesn't go for the cover. Defiantly - with a furious look upon his face - The Rock kicks Regal into position. He swings his arms, hits the ropes - The People's Elbow

The elbow hits Regal right in the heart! He gets the cover - 1, 2, 3!

WINNER - The Rock via pinfall

The Rock grabs his WWF Championship and bolts straight to the back, while commentary discuss what just happened:

JR: ...and it looks like Austin is playing some mind games of his own!

Heyman: All is fair on Raw is War! Steve Austin may be known as a reckless, ruthless Rattlesnake, but he knows exactly how to get under his opponent's skin! The Rock thought he could play games and light a fire under Austin, but it could be The Rock who ends up getting burned!

The Rock gets to his locker room - but Austin is nowhere to be seen. Beer cans litter the room and The Rock's gym bag is open. He checks the bag and pulls out a t-shirt - an Austin 3:16 shirt!

Stone Cold Steve Austin has violated The Rock's space and sent a message, loud and clear, to the WWF Champion!



WWF Champion - The Rock

WWF Intercontinental Champion - Chris Jericho

WWF World Tag Team Champions - The Dudley Boyz

WWF European Champion - Raven

WWF Hardcore Champion - The Undertaker (NEW)

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion - Dean Malenko


  • Albert has allied himself with X-Pac and Justin Credible.

  • The Dudley Boyz have challenged both Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz to a WWF Tag Team Championship match at WrestleMania.

  • Stephanie McMahon has been injured at the hands of Chris Jericho.


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