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RAW IS WAR - Week 3, March 2001

Last week on SmackDown! - Shane McMahon returned to the WWF, challenging his father Vince McMahon to a confrontation tonight on Raw! Also, X-Factor scored their first win as a team, Kurt Angle issued an open challenge for WrestleMania, Raven took the Hardcore Championship back from The Undertaker in brutal, bloody fashion and Chris Jericho suffered through a gauntlet match before facing a beat down by The Game, Triple H - who announced that their Intercontinental title match at WrestleMania will be contested inside Hell in a Cell! What will happen tonight on Raw is War?


Jim Ross: Hello fans and thank you for joining us live tonight for Raw is War!

Paul Heyman: And what a show - what a show - we have for you tonight! Shane McMahon has promised that he would be here on Raw, challenging Mr. McMahon to a confrontation. What can we expect to see between father and son here tonight?

Al Snow's music hits as the WWF Commissioner heads to the ring, mic in hand!

Snow: The road to WrestleMania is almost at an end! We are less than two weeks away from the big one in Houston, Texas - a night where legends are made, careers are defined and dreams become reality... at least for some! This year, WrestleMania will be headlined by two incredible matches! Chris Jericho will defend the WWF Intercontinental Championship against 'The Game' Triple H inside Hell in a Cell, while The Rock faces Stone Cold Steve Austin with the WWF Championship on the line. In light of this... tonight on Raw, Chris Jericho will face Steve Austin and Triple H will face The Rock in singles matches!

The fans cheer in approval!

Snow: Also, The Dudley Boyz will face Edge & Christian tonight in a Tables match - with the WWF World Tag Team titles on the line!

More cheers as the crowd are fully behind Snow.

Snow: And finally... after the vicious beating Raven laid upon The Undertaker last week, his brother Kane has demanded that he gets his hands on Raven tonight. So, it will be Kane vs. Raven tonight... and to keep things interesting, why don't we put Raven's European Championship on the line?

Suddenly, Shane McMahon walks out to a roar from the crowd, dancing down the aisle!á

He gets in the ring, grabs a microphone and turns to face Snow:

Shane: That sounds like an incredible episode of Monday night Raw, Al! Great job... let's give it up for Commissioner Snow!

The crowd cheer and clap for Al, with Shane leading the applause.

Shane: Now, if you don't mind, I'll take it from here.

Snow leaves the ring as Shane addresses the audience:

Shane: Dad... you're here. I'm here. Come down to this ring and face me like a man!

Vince McMahon heads to the stage - William Regal in tow - with gritted teeth and a mic in his hand:

Vince: What are you doing here, Shane? Why are you out here taking up precious airtime, huh? What gives you the right to waste time on my show? In my ring?!

Shane: You gonna stay up there on the stage, or are you gonna come down here and get in the ring with Shane O'Mac? Well, no matter Dad... that time will come. See, I'm back because of you - because of what you did to Mom. Because of you, Mom can't say a word. Because of you, she can't smile. Because of you, she can't even look at me. You have destroyed your wife - my mother - and I am not about to let you get away with it. You ask me what I'm doing here? I'm here for revenge. So... if you won't get in the ring with me tonight... how about we settle this at WrestleMania... in a Street Fight?

The crowd erupts once more. Vince looks like he is about to burst!

Vince: You want me? You want a piece of me, you son of a bitch?! You're on, pal! I'm gonna rip you apart and lock you away just like I did to your mother!

Regal drags Vince off to the back, kicking and screaming. Shane's music hits as he celebrates with the crowd!

JR: Shane McMahon! Shane McMahon! The prodigal son has returned to seek vengeance for the sins of his father! Shane McMahon is going to WrestleMania and you better believe, he is gonna kick Vince McMahon's ass!

Heyman: How dare you, and how dare Shane! Write him out of the will, Vince! Cut him out of the family fortune! Shane McMahon doesn't stand a chance, who is he kidding? Who does he think he is? No one can take down the great Vincent Kennedy McMahon - not even his own flesh and blood!


SINGLE - Eddie Guerrero vs. Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn heads to the ring, followed next by Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie has a look of focus upon his face, looking to make an impression here tonight.

The match begins and the two lock up. They chain wrestle and exchange holds, with Billy taking the advantage. Billy shoots Eddie into a corner and hits a running back elbow.

Eddie falls to the canvas and Billy covers for a 1 count. Gunn gets Eddie to his feet and whips him towards the ropes - Eddie ducks a line and hits a rebound dropkick!

Eddie covers, also for a 1 count. Gunn rolls to his side and tries to push up to his feet, but Eddie grabs his arm and rolls over into a cross armlock. Gunn screams in agony, but manages to drag himself towards the ropes.

Eddie breaks the hold and wait for Gunn to recover. He hits a rebound off the ropes but is caught into a big powerbomb by Billy!

Gunn covers for a count of 2. Eddie tries to get to his feet as Billy gets in position to hit a running Fameasser. Eddie turns and catches Gunn mid-air, dropping him into a spinning 180 sit-out powerbomb!

The crowd cheer as Eddie goes up to the top rope... Frogsplash!

Eddie gets the cover... 1, 2, 3!

Eddie celebrates in the ring... while Kurt Angle once again watches the match backstage.

WINNER - Eddie Guerrero via pinfall


Jonathan Coachman has The Rock in the interview area, asking him how he responds to Austin's demand for the mind games to end:

Rock: Stone Cold Steve Austin... The Rock agrees with you. The time for games is over. It will be The Rock in one corner, Stone Cold Steve Austin in the other... but that is where our agreements end. See, you won't be walking out of WrestleMania with The Rock's title, with The Rock's WWF Championship, oh no no! Austin... you and The Rock... ends one way. It ends with your candy ass laid out in the middle of that ring and with the WWF Championship coming home with The Rock... the champion, 'The People's Champion'. So Austin, it is clear to The Rock that you need to go one on one with 'The Great One'... so The Rock says this: You and me. Sit down interview. This week on SmackDown. Let's clear the air! Let's say how we really feel and get everything off of our chests before we head into WrestleMania in the biggest main event of all time...

...if ya smell! What The Rock... is cooking.


SINGLE - Kurt Angle vs. Val Venis (w/ Steven Richards)

Kurt Angle heads to the ring, followed next by Right to Censor.

The bell rings and Venis rushes Angle, trying to get the advantage. Angle turns Venis' charge into a takedown and puts him in a guillotine choke. Richards jumps up on the apron, distracting the referee.

Angle sees and gets up - allowing Venis to hit a low blow.

Angle crumples to the ground and Venis goes for the cover. The referee sees and counts - 1, 2... kick out!

Richards loses it on the outside and jumps back up onto the apron. The ref is distracted again and goes to dismiss Richards from ringside when Angle tries to Irish whip Venis. Val counters and sends Angle hurtling into the referee, knocking him down!

Both men fall to the canvas and Richards grabs a steel chair, sensing the opportunity. He slides the chair into the ring but before Val can grab it, Angle gets up and hits a swift suplex!

Richards gets into the ring and grabs the chair, ready to hit a running swing. Angle ducks the swing and Richards hits Venis!

Angle wraps his arms around Richards' waist and hoists him through the air for a suplex! He holds on... two! He holds on again - three! Eddie Guerrero-esque Three Amigos!

Angle doubles back to Venis as Richards rolls out of the ring - Ankle Lock!

Angle screams at the referee to wake up as he cranks tighter on Val's ankle. The ref sees Venis tapping and calls for the bell!

Angle throws Val's leg down defiantly and celebrates his victory!

JR: What a victory for Angle here! That may as well have been a handicap match!

Heyman: And you've got to believe that those three suplexes, that trio of pain, was a shot fired directly at Eddie Guerrero! Will we see 'Latino Heat' versus the Olympic hero at WrestleMania?

WINNER - Kurt Angle via submission


In the green room, Vince is being calmed down by Regal and Triple H. He is raging over Shane's defiance and says he will crush him at WrestleMania.

All of a sudden, his cellphone rings - he excuses himself and goes to answer the call in private...


TAG (Tables) - The Dudley Boyz (c) vs. Edge & Christian

WWF World Tag Team Championships

Edge & Christian head out to the ring first, chairs in hand.

The Dudley Boyz come out next, running to the ring!

Edge & Christian swing their chairs, but the Dudleys tackle them to the ground! Ground and pound on the floor as the bell rings, kicking off the match.

Bubba drags Christian to the outside and drops him onto the barricade with Snake Eyes.

Edge hits a flying DDT off of the steel steps on D-Von, dropping him headfirst onto the ground by ringside.

Bubba hits a slicing chop onto Edge's head, but Christian jumps him from behind and puts a sleeper on him! Bubba backs up and slams Christian back first into the steel steps!

Edge goes to make a move on the downed Bubba, but D-Von grabs him and tosses him into the ring. He tosses Edge across the ring and hits a big chop across Edge's chest, knocking him down with speed and efficiency. Bubba drags Christian into the ring as Edge rolls out. Bubba splits Christian's legs apart as D-Von climbs up to the top rope! The fans are feeling it... WHASSUP?! D-Von flies through the air, nailing a diving headbutt down low on Christian.

All of a sudden, The Hardy Boyz sprint down the aisle!

They hit the ring and start blasting The Dudleys with a flurry of shots, knocking them down. Jeff rolls out and grabs a ladder from underneath the ring while Matt sets up a table! Matt

drags D-Von onto the table and lays him flat, ready for Jeff to attack from above!

A downed Bubba grabs Matt's leg and tries to drag him away, while D-Von stirs on the table. Jeff takes flight - Swanton Bomb! - but there's no one below! Jeff crashes through the table!

Out of nowhere, Spike Dudley charges down the aisle!

The little brother of The Dudley Boyz is crashing the WWF!

He hits the ringside area and assists his brothers in beating down Matt Hardy. He slides under the ropes, grabs Jeff and sprints to the corner - Acid Drop!

Spike flips through the air and nails Jeff with his signature move! Spike rolls to the outside as Bubba catches Edge trying to sneak back into the ring. Bubba gives Edge a Bionic Elbow to the skull, dropping him to the canvas. He turns to D-Von and screams those dreaded words - Get the tables!

D-Von drags a table into the ring, slides it in and sets it up. Bubba raises Edge up above the table for the Bubba Bomb, but Christian slides back into the ring and hits a chop block onto Bubba!

He kicks him down low and drops him to the canvas! D-Von tries to battle Christian, but he gets nailed with a Spear! Edge & Christian clock Spike trying to rush the ring and catch him, whipping him right over the opposite set of ropes!

They see the table, grab Bubba Ray, pick him up and bounce him off the ropes - right into a 3D!

3D through the table on Bubba Ray Dudley!

The referee calls for the bell and the new WWF World Tag Team Champions grab their titles!

They roll to the outside, backing up the aisle holding the gold high above their heads. The Dudleys and the Hardys stir, wrecked by the chaos, to see the new champions stand victorious!

WINNERS - Edge & Christian via elimination


Backstage, Coachman interviews Chris Jericho:

Jericho: Look, I'm not afraid of Triple H. I know that he's hated me since day one, since the very moment I stepped into this company. But the thing is... I'm here now and he's got to deal with that. I'm here to cement my legacy, and if it means I have to go through 'The Game' to do it? So be it. But let me assure you Josh - after our Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania? Triple H will never... EVER... be the same again!


SINGLE - Raven (c) - Kane

WWF European Championship

Raven makes his way to the ring holding the European Championship. No weapons, no shopping cart, no backup. He waits in the ring for the arrival of Kane. The lights drop, his music hits - but Kane is nowhere to be seen.

Raven begins to complain to the referee - when all of a sudden, Kane slides into the ring from behind! Raven turns around - Chokeslam!

The referee rings the bell, but Kane is already dragging Raven to the outside!

'The Big Red Machine' begins stripping the announce table, but Raven stirs to his feet and crawls back into the ring. Kane gives chase, but Raven throws strikes on the monster as he tries to re-enter the ring. Kane powers through and tries to grab Raven again, but Raven manages to get a jumping headlock on him, using his momentum on the landing to drag the titan down.

While he wrenches on the headlock, he flicks Kane in the eye without the referee seeing! Kane stumbles backwards and Raven hits a running bulldog!

As Raven begins to pick Kane up - The Undertaker's music hits!

Raven turns around for a split second, but he shakes his head and tries to focus on the match. Raven tries to get Kane into position for the Raven Effect - but the roar of the crowd make Raven double take! The Undertaker is here, charging down the rampway!

Raven lets go of Kane, bracing for 'The Deadman', when Kane hits an Irish whip from behind! Kane quickly swings a big boot up to meet Raven on the ropes! Raven springs back - right into a Sidewalk Slam!

Kane raises his hand, eagerly awaiting the Chokeslam again! Taker watches as Raven stirs to his feet... and gets nailed with a second Chokeslam!

Kane goes for the cover... 1, 2, 3!

The referee calls for the bell and tries to hand Kane his new European Championship, but Kane stands frozen in place. Taker reaches into the ring and drags Raven out by his shoulders, dragging him over to the stripped announce table. He scoops Raven up into the air!

The Last Ride! Raven goes crashing through the table!

The Brothers of Destruction walk away, leaving Raven broken by ringside. Kane carries his new championship over his shoulder while Taker shouts back at Raven's prone body. He shouts that he is coming for Raven's Hardcore Championship!

WINNER - Kane via pinfall


We come back from commercial break to see Jim Ross and Paul Heyman sitting by the wreckage of what was their announce table.

Jim Ross tells us that we are going to have our main events of the evening - back-to-back matches featuring the double main event stars of WrestleMania.

SINGLE - Chris Jericho (c) vs. Steve Austin

Chris Jericho makes his way out first, followed by 'The Rattlesnake' Stone Cold.

Austin and Jericho square up in the ring, exchanging words. They back away from each other as the referee rings the bell, starting the match.

The two men begin to circle the ring, before locking up and challenging each other with a series of surprisingly technical locks, holds and grapples. Austin seems to abandon his 'smash mouth' brawler style, trying to outmaneuver Jericho in a technical contest.

Suddenly, Triple H runs down the aisle and slides into the ring!

He grabs Jericho from behind and tosses him right into the corner turnbuckle! He begins to lay a beatdown on Y2J as the referee calls for the bell. Austin grabs Triple H from behind -

Stunner! Austin flips off the downed HHH but walks into a gut kick from Jericho! He flips Austin to the canvas and tries to lock in The Walls of Jericho!

The Rock runs down the ramp! 'The People's Champion' wants him some of the action! He hits the ring and pulls Jericho off of Austin!

Rock Bottom! The Rock looks ready to hit The People's Elbow on Jericho, but he sees Austin on the floor! He grabs Austin, putting him into the Sharpshooter!

Austin screams in pain as Al Snow comes to the stage!

Snow: Enough! That's enough! Let him go, Rock! Let him go right now!

Rocky releases Austin and stomps around the ring.

Snow: Rock, Triple H... get out of the ring right now! This match will be reset and you will not get involved! If you interfere again - if anyone interferes in either match tonight - you will lose your match at WrestleMania! Rock! Jericho! If you don't follow the rules, you will be stripped of your championships tonight!

The four men in the ring slowly come to their senses as security and referees come to break things up. We cut to a commercial break as Al Snow tries to restore order!

NO CONTEST - Interference


SINGLE - The Rock (c) vs. Triple H

Triple H heads back out to the ring, trying to twist his neck back into place after taking the Stunner.

The Rock is out next, a fierce look upon his face. JR discusses the historic rivalry between these two men as The Rock mounts the top rope, soaking in the cheers from the crowd.

The bell rings and the two get right into it, just like storied rivals should. Every move The Rock tries to hit, Triple H seems to have a counter for. Hunter puts a reversal sleeper hold on Rocky, draining him of energy in the middle of the ring.

The crowd cheer for the champion as he rises to his feet, elbowing Hunter in the ribs and managing to break the hold. Haitch reels back as Rock grabs him and lifts him up for the Samoan Drop! Hunter springs up - but Rocky lines up a Spinebuster!

He stands astride Triple H's head, gearing up for The People's Elbow. Hunter rolls out of the way as Rocky crashes down on his elbow.

Rocky recovers quickly and grabs Triple H with a headlock, hitting a series of punches on Hunter's head, spitting into his hand for the final shot!

As Triple H reels back, The Rock charges - but Triple H counters with a mighty spinebuster of his own!

The Rock stirs to his feet... Triple H lands a gutkick - Pedigree position! The Rock powers out and manages to hoist Hunter over his back, grimacing with pain. He assumes the squat stance, poised and ready for 'The Game'. Hunter gets up - Rock Bottom!

Rock goes for the cover... 1, 2, 3!

The Rock celebrates as Triple H rolls to the outside. He hoists his WWF Championship above his head for all the fans to see.

Triple H loses it - grabbing a steel chair and heading back into the ring. The Rock sees him coming, ducks the chair swing and hits a string of signature jabs, winding back for the final right hand which sends 'The Game' tumbling over the ropes to the outside!

The Rock picks his title back up and continues to stare down Triple H who backs up the ramp screaming in frustration!

WINNER - The Rock via pinfall


Backstage, Coachman grabs a visibly stressed Al Snow. He asks Snow if he thinks Austin, Rock, Hunter and Jericno will be able to make it to WrestleMania in one piece. He insists that he is doing everything he can to keep all four men well enough to ensure they make history at WrestleMania.


SINGLE - Chris Jericho (c) vs. Steve Austin

Jericho returns to the ring, followed again by Austin. The two face off in the ring, visibly tired. They laugh for a moment before getting back into things.

The commentary stress that they wrestled half a match as well as taking some big time moves before Snow restarted the match.

Jericho hits a step-up enzuigiri on Austin. He tries to hit a Lionsault onto Austin from the ropes, but Austin rolls away!

Austin hits a Lou Thesz Press on a recovering Jericho! Punch after punch after punch rain down on Jericho from 'The Rattlesnake'! He drags Jericho to his feet and tries to hit a suplex - but Jericho wraps Austin's leg and hits the suplex himself!

He runs to the ropes and leaps - Lionsault! Jericho covers Austin - 1... 2! Austin kicks out at 2! Jericho flips Austin onto his belly and tries to lock in The Walls of Jericho!

Austin screams in agony as Jericho wrenches tight on the legs of Stone Cold. Austin tries to crawl, but Jericho drags him back to the centre of the ring! He grits his teeth - shifts his weight and manages to roll Jericho onto his side, breaking the hold! Austin gets a second wind and springs to his feet - meeting Jericho as he gets to his for the Stunner!

Austin struggles for a moment to move due to the damage done by Jericho, but he manages to turn around and drape an arm for the cover! 1... 2... 3!

The referee calls for the bell as the crowd explodes with cheers. Austin and Jericho lie on the canvas, barely able to move. Austin starts to recover, limping over to Jericho and stirring him awake. Jericho, dazed and confused, looks up at Austin who offers his hand.

Jericho clasps hands with Austin and the crowd cheer louder! The two men struggle to their feet and Austin calls for the beers! Two cans are tossed right into Austin's hands. 'The Rattlesnake' gives Jericho a Steveweiser and the two crack open their drinks!

They smash their cans together and take a mighty swig! The two shake hands once more as Jericho leaves the ring, leaving Austin to celebrate, as Raw goes off the air!

WINNER - Steve Austin via pinfall



WWF Champion - The Rock

WWF Intercontinental Champion - Chris Jericho

WWF World Tag Team Champions - Edge & Christian (NEW)

WWF European Champion - Kane (NEW)

WWF Hardcore Champion - Raven

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion - Dean Malenko


  • Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon in a Street Fight has been set for WrestleMania.

  • The Rock & Steve Austin will have a sit down discussion with Jim Ross that will air this week on SmackDown.

  • Spike Dudley has arrived in the WWF.


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