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SMACKDOWN! - Week 3, March 2001

On Raw is War, Shane McMahon confronted Vince McMahon and challenged him to a Street Fight at WrestleMania! A tag team Tables match between Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boyz saw the debut of Spike Dudley and the World Tag Team Championships change hands! Kane defeated Raven for the European Championship and the four headliners of WrestleMania competed in Singles competition - with Chris Jericho taking on Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H taking on The Rock!


Jim Ross: Hello everyone and welcome to SmackDown!

Tazz: We've got tag team action tonight when The Hardy Boyz take on Too Cool, The Undertaker will face Albert, Dean Malenko will defend his Light Heavyweight Championship against Crash Holly and in our main event, 'The Game' Triple H will face off against Perry Saturn!

SINGLE - Kurt Angle vs. K-Kwik

K-Kwik heads to the ring, rapping to the crowd.

Kurt Angle comes out next, focused and ready for the match.

The bell rings and Angle wastes little time trying to put Kwik away.

Kwik manages to hit a running spinning kick on Angle, knocking him down.

Kwik tries to hit the Hat Rack Crack early, but Angle manages to shake out of it and catch Kwik into a suplex. He goes for the cover, but only gets a 1 count.

Angle drags Kwik to the corner and lays in a series of kicks, forcing the referee to separate the two.

Kwik fires back and hits a running bulldog on Angle! He quickly ascends to the top rope and sets up for the 450 Splash -

- but Angle ducks out of the way!

Kwik crashes into the canvas and is scooped up into an Angle Slam! Angle covers - 1, 2, 3!

Angle celebrates as Kwik rolls out.

Backstage in the locker room area, Eddie Guerrero studies Angle on a television set.

WINNER - Kurt Angle via pinfall


Jim Ross discusses the upcoming sit-down interview with The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, filmed earlier today. He promises that it will be intense viewing!

TAG - Too Cool vs. The Hardy Boyz

Too Cool heads out to the ring, dancing with the crowd.

The Hardys head out next and the teams meet in the ring.

Jeff Hardy and Scotty Too Hotty start the match as the legal men, quickly getting into a back and forth contest.

Scotty hits a suplex on Jeff for a 1 count.

Scotty picks up Jeff, who reverses an Irish whip - hitting a dropkick on Scotty.

Jeff goes to the top rope and hits another flying dropkick! Cover - 1... 2! Scotty gets up and the two grapple - with Scotty ducking under Jeff's arm into a waistlock from behind.

Scotty takes down Jeff and drops a leg across Jeff's face! He whips Jeff into the corner and hits a flying reverse elbow, dropping Jeff to the canvas. He looks at the crowd - he calls for The Worm!

He wriggles over, swings his arms - impact! He goes for the cover - 1... 2... Kick out at 2!

He drags Jeff to his corner and tags in Sexay. Sexay tries to hit a suplex on Jeff but he stalls it, pulling back and smacking Sexay with a right hand.

He trips Sexay to the canvas, splits his legs and drops the leg down low! He runs to his corner and tags in Matt.

Matt rushes in and hits running clotheslines. Sexay springs up off of the first line and ducks the second - catching Matt with a gut kick!

He scoops him into a DDT! Sexay heads to the corner - puts on the goggles and goes for the Hip Hop Drop -

- but Matt rolls clear, leaving Sexay to a rough landing! Sexay staggers up and is caught by a Twist of Fate!

1, 2, 3!

The Hardys celebrate in the ring while commentary praise the match:

JR: A great showing tonight by both teams!

Tazz: Excellent tag team action here tonight on SmackDown, but JR - you gotta know that Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boyz are watching this somewhere taking notes!

JR: I don't know about that Tazz - I'm not sure those Dudleys even know how to spell their own names!

WINNERS - The Hardy Boyz via pinfall


Lilian Garcia interviews Triple H backstage. She asks why he chose the Hell in a Cell stipulation for his match against Chris Jericho at WrestleMania:

HHH: It's very simple, Lilian - I have proven myself inside Hell in a Cell. I survived the six man match at Armageddon. I retired Mick Foley. I got to pick the stipulation, so I picked something that Jericho cannot prepare for... something I know intimately. I've been inside of that structure. I know the brutality, I know the pain... Chris Jericho will be going into the Cell for the first time in his career... and if I have my way? It'll be the last match Jericho ever wrestles. I'll retire him too, just like I retired that son of a bitch Foley, and I will become the new WWF Intercontinental Champion.


Back in the ring, Al Snow stands by with a microphone in his hand:

Snow: As your Commissioner, I have a duty to ensure that you - the fans - get your money's worth, night in and night out. You may remember that Mr. McMahon put the European Championship on the line at WrestleMania in a fatal four-way match, probably as a way of punishing Raven for getting in his way and bothering him. But, now that Raven is no longer the European Champion... what happens to that match? Well, I thought about it long and hard. I even consulted Head! We decided that a fatal four way is the perfect way to give some WWF superstars a chance to compete on the grandest stage in sports entertainment and potentially walk away as a champion! So, Kane... come out here!

Kane heads to the ring, European Championship over his shoulder. He stands by Snow as the crowd cheer.

Snow: Here's what we're gonna do. This is your chance - your opportunity - to punch your ticket to WrestleMania here tonight. The first three superstars who come to the ring right now will be entered into the fatal four-way and will face Kane at WrestleMania for the European Championship!

Test comes down the aisle and gets in the ring. He takes Snow's microphone and tells everyone that he is looking for a chance to regain the title he recently lost.

The Big Show comes out next, walking with purpose to the ring. He starts to mouth off, getting in Test's face while Kane stands by and watches. Test pushes Show, but Show pushes back and clears Test across the ring!

Snow steps in and tries to break things up, but he is knocked down in the scuffle.

Kane continues to stand and watch the drama unfold.

All of a sudden, Tazz stands up from the commentary desk and slowly makes his way into the ring! He stands behind Kane -

- Tazzmission! Tazz locks the Tazzmission in on the monster!

Security and referees hit the ring and break the fight apart!


Backstage, in a dimly-lit part of the arena, Raven sits alone:

Raven: 'A decade of destruction'... for over ten years, The Undertaker has been dominant here in the WWF. 'The Phenom', 'The Deadman', 'The Lord of Darkness', 'The American Badass'...

As Raven talks, flashes of The Undertaker's entire career appear.

Raven: Everyone talks about how great The Undertaker is. But what about me, huh? What about Raven? It's time for 'The Deadman' to die. You think you're so mighty, you think of me as dirt beneath your shoe, you look down upon me and think that I am nothing. Well Taker... in just over a week, as the crow flies, I want you at WrestleMania. I want to be the one who puts the nail in your coffin... the one who kills your career, who writes the final chapter in the legend of The Undertaker. You and me in a Hardcore match for my Hardcore Championship. See you in Houston... quote the Raven, nevermore...


We join commentary, where Paul Heyman takes Tazz's place next to JR. Heyman praises Tazz for making a statement tonight, while JR says how he's still trying to process Raven's challenge to The Undertaker.

SINGLE - The Undertaker vs. Albert (w/ Justin Credible)

Albert heads to the ring with Justin Credible by his side.

The Undertaker comes out next, riding his motorcycle to the ring - clearly fired up after hearing Raven's words. The bell rings and both men collide in the middle of the squared circle - Albert trying to prove himself and Taker looking to vent his anger.

They trade huge blows, with a right hand from Albert staggering Taker. Albert hits a clothesline, knocking Taker down, but Taker doubles back and hits a messy takedown on Albert!

Taker throws punches and strikes down on Albert in a straight up brawl.

Albert kicks Taker down low, causing him to stumble backwards. The referee cautions Albert, who pushes the referee aside - walking right into a big boot!

Both men fall down, with Taker crashing to his knees, hurt by the low blow.

Justin Credible leaps to the apron, trying to distract the referee.

Taker springs to his feet and hits a running strike on Credible, sending him flying on the outside! He turns around and Albert tries to Irish whip him, but Taker counters it and sends Albert running.

Albert rebounds into a gut kick by Taker. Taker tucks Albert between his legs and raises his fist - The Last Ride!

Taker hauls Albert up into the air and slams him down with force. He goes for the cover - 1, 2, 3!

JR: That was bowling shoe ugly for Albert! No knock on the big man, but he just caught The Undertaker in rare form, even for him!

Heyman: You don't cross The Deadman!

Undertaker grabs a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring.

Taker: Raven... you want to step into my yard? You wanna get Hardcore? You want me to make you famous at WrestleMania? I ACCEPT!

Taker slams the microphone down and leaves the ring!

WINNER - The Undertaker via pinfall


We join the commentary team again:

JR: Well folks, we are just over one week away now from WrestleMania. The WWF Championship will be contested in what is sure to be one of - if not the - greatest main events in sports entertainment history. It will be The Rock defending his title against Stone Cold Steve Austin in Houston, Texas. I sat down with both men earlier today to discuss the upcoming match, how we got here and what to expect at WrestleMania.

Earlier today - JR sits backstage in the locker room area. On his left - Stone Cold Steve Austin. On his right - The WWF Champion, The Rock.

JR: Austin... Rock... this match, your match, at WrestleMania... has been building now for some time. Austin, you won the Royal Rumble and secured your spot in the main event. Rock, you beat Kurt Angle to regain your WWF Championship. I wanna ask both of you how you feel going into a match that, in all likelihood, will be looked back upon and reflected on for years to come.

Austin: Well ask, Jim. Ask one of us.

JR: Well Steve, okay. I'll ask you first. What does it mean for you, or to you, going into this match with The Rock?

Austin: ...Well. This isn't our first dance, is it Jim? You remember... WrestleMania XV. Me, The Rock and that belt. Two years later and here we are, history repeats itself.

Rock: Austin - a lot has changed between then and now. The Rock has grown, I have grown - both inside that ring and out of it. I'm older, I'm wiser and I'm stronger. I don't have a corporation behind me - I'm my own man. So no, history is not repeating itself.

Austin: You say that Rock, but when it's all said and done... when I beat you in the middle of that ring - 1, 2, 3 - history will repeat itself and I will once again take that WWF Championship from you in front of the world.

JR: Rock... you are - currently - the World Wrestling Federation Champion. What does that championship mean to you?

Rock: Well first of all, I appreciate Austin's intensity. I appreciate his commitment to taking this title away from me, but he's dead wrong on history repeating itself. As for what this championship means to me? The Rock was raised in this industry. The Rock grew up within the world of professional wrestling. So The Rock knows exactly what the WWF Championship means. It means that I have grabbed the brass ring. It means that I stand at the top of the mountain. I've worked hard - very hard - my entire life to win this. Being the WWF Champion means that I am the absolute best.

JR: Focusing back on WrestleMania -

Austin: Aren't you gonna ask what the belt means to me?

JR: Alright, good question. What does the WWF -

Austin: I'll tell you exactly what it means to me. I'll paraphrase everything he just said - it means that I will be without a shadow of a doubt the number one (censored) in the industry, bottom line. It means that everyone can stop talking about 'Stone Cold is back' - there will be no question about that fact. Yes, Stone Cold Steve Austin is back, the journey back is over. When I have that title around my waist or over my shoulder, no one will be asking how I got here, they'll be asking 'what is he gonna do next?'

JR: Well Steve, you have had one hell of a journey back to the WWF. Now I know you don't want to go over that - and I don't wanna push your buttons here - but you came back from injury, you kicked ass and you won the Royal Rumble. That's just something I want the fans to remember when you're stepping into the Astrodome on April 1st.

Austin: You're damn right I kicked ass. That's what I do, Jim. I kick ass, I raise hell, I win the WWF Championship and that's the bottom line.

JR: Well... people are wondering. The road to this match. The road to WrestleMania. Rock, Austin - you have both tried to play games with each other and get inside each others' heads. Do you really hate each other? I mean really, personally - Rock, what do you think of this man?

Rock: Professionally... The Rock respect Steve Austin. I respect his career, I respect his return from injury and I respect his drive and his tenacity. Steve Austin also respects The Rock, whether he will admit it or not. The mind games were not personal - I was trying to light a fire under his ass. Why? Because I want him to bring it - the very best of Stone Cold Steve Austin. But personally... no, The Rock does not like Steve Austin.

Austin: Well Rock, I don't like you either. Do I hate you? No. But I don't like ya... I don't like ya one bit. And you did light a fire under my ass. But Rock... I don't need ya to get under my skin. The mere fact that you hold the WWF Championship... the championship that I need to win... gets under my skin.

JR: Well gentlemen, let's not let this degenerate here. I thank you both for your professionalism, and if I may - closing comments. Rock... do you have anything to say to Steve before we wrap up here?

Rock: Jim Ross, The Rock says this - I will walk into Houston, Texas - into the Reliant Astrodome - with one mission. One goal. I will layeth the smacketh down like only 'The Great One' can! In front of the millions and millions of The Rock's fans, I will bring every drop of blood, sweat and tears that my body can produce and I will walk out of WrestleMania still the WWF Champion.

JR: Austin, your final words?

Austin: ...The Rock can talk the talk, he can walk the walk, he can raise an eyebrow and drop an elbow but the fact is - bottom line - I will take that championship from him, I will open up a can of whoop-ass and I will beat the (censored) out of anyone that stands in my way. I'm the baddest (censored) in the game and I will be - after it's all said and done - the new WWF Champion.

The two men stare each other down from their seats as JR brings the interview to a close.


SINGLE - Dean Malenko (c) vs. Crash Holly (w/ Molly Holly)

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Crash heads down the aisle with Molly Holly, followed next by Dean Malenko.

The match starts and the two lock up, engaging in fast back and forth technical bouts. Crash tries to work over Malenko with holds and grapples, but Malenko has a counter for everything that is thrown at him.

Malenko whips Crash into the corner and hits a running knee. He keeps Crash in the corner and works him over with punches.

Crash manages to get his guard up and pushes Malenko backwards - jumping into a roll-up pin for a 2 count.

Crash bolts up and hits a step-up enzuigiri on Malenko.

Crash grabs Dean on the canvas, putting him into an STF. Malenko crawls to the ropes, forcing the break. Crash pulls Malenko up, but Malenko slaps Crash - picks him up into a double underhook powerbomb -

- then locks in the Texas Cloverleaf! Crash taps and Malenko retains his championship!

WINNER - Dean Malenko via submission


Backstage in the green room, Vince McMahon is on his cellphone and seems excited. Triple H enters and Vince ends his call. They talk about Shane McMahon and Chris Jericho, hyping each other up for their respective matches at WrestleMania. Vince asks Hunter to hit the gym with him after the show, when all of a sudden Perry Saturn enters.

He says that if he beats Triple H in their match tonight, he wants a shot at the Intercontinental Championship after WrestleMania - whoever the champion is. Hunter assures him that he will be walking out of the show as the champion, but also that Saturn is no threat to him. Saturn smiles and says he will see him in the ring.


During the break - A fight had broken out backstage between The Hardys, The Dudleys and Edge & Christian!

In the middle of the chaos, Bubba hits a Bubba Bomb on Jeff on top of a production crate!

Spike Dudley runs in with a chair and clatters everyone but his brothers, leaving them lying. Christian is bleeding from a chair shot to the head!

The Dudleys walk off, leaving the other teams broken in the backstage area.


SINGLE - Triple H vs. Perry Saturn

Saturn comes out to the ring, followed next by Triple H - a fierce look across the face of The Game.

The two men have an intense stare down from across the ring before Hunter spits his water in the air! The match kicks off and the two lock up, with Saturn tossing Triple H across the ring!

Hunter comes up to one knee, then immediately charges at Saturn, taking him down!

Ground and pound by The Game but Saturn escapes, pushing Hunter away and landing a punch combination of his own. He backs Triple H up against the ropes, whips him across the ring but The Game answers back with a running high knee!

Saturn is dropped, Hunter goes for the pin - kick out at 2! Triple H picks Saturn up for a suplex, but Saturn stalls it and hits the move himself!

Quick cover - but Hunter kicks out at 1! Saturn tries to lock in the Rings of Saturn but Triple H fights out, spinning on his back and booting Saturn in the face! Hunter gets to his feet - gut kick to the oncoming Saturn -

- Pedigree! 1, 2, 3!

All of a sudden, Chris Jericho runs down the ramp with his Intercontinental title!

He slides into the ring - smacks Triple H with the title - and drags him to the outside!

He brawls with Triple H up the ramp and drops him on his back. He rolls him over - Walls of Jericho!

Triple H screams in pain, tapping frantically while security and the referees try to drag him off. Jericho releases the hold, grabs his title and celebrates on the stage while security try to clear him away!

JR: Chris Jericho! Triple H! These two men are on a collision course, headed straight to Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania!

Heyman: That's if they don't kill each other before WrestleMania! How much more can these men take?!

Triple H screams and twists in pain as SmackDown goes off the air!

WINNER - Triple H via pinfall



WWF Champion - The Rock

WWF Intercontinental Champion - Chris Jericho

WWF World Tag Team Champions - Edge & Christian

WWF European Champion - Kane

WWF Hardcore Champion - Raven

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion - Dean Malenko


  • Kane will defend his European Championship against Test, Big Show and Tazz at WrestleMania in a fatal four-way.

  • Raven will defend his Hardcore Championship against The Undertaker at WrestleMania.


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